Q: Hi – I’m looking for a loan of around £500,000 on a property of about £700,000 and from what I’ve read in the papers, it’s really difficult to find a mortgage of that size any more. Could you help me?
At that loan to value (LTV) ratio (about 71%) your choice will be limited, as the best deals are available for mortgages that are up to 60% of the value of the property. But there are still several lenders willing to lend loans of £500,000 at an LTV of 71%. They tend not to be high street lenders, though, and a specialist large loan broker will be able to find the right lender for your particular circumstances. Please feel free to call us or e-mail us if you want more specific advice.
These questions are for information purposes only and do not contain all the details you need to choose a mortgage, ask one of our advisers for a personalised key facts illustration